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Cappiello, B. M., Hill, H. M., & Bolton, T. (2018). Solitary, observer, parallel, and social object play in the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Behavioral Processes, 157, 453-458.


Dudzinski, K. M., Hill, H. M., Zaccaroni, A., Makecha, R., Lilly, M., Almunia, J., ... & Abramson, C. I. (2020). Distinguishing personal belief from scientific knowledge for the betterment of killer whale welfare–a commentary. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 33.


Dudzinski, K., Ribic, C., Manitzas Hill, H. M., & Bolton, T. (2021). Evidence for maternal style among adult female dolphins when sharing pectoral fin contacts with their calves. Animal Cognition, 8(1), 52-68.


Dudzinski, K. M., & Ribic, C. A. Manitzas Hill, HM, & Bolton, TT (2021). Bottlenose dolphin calf initiated pectoral fin contact exchanges with mother, other kin, and non-kin. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 8 (3), 376-390.


Dudzinski, K., Yeater, D., Bolton, T., Eskelinen, H., & Hill, H. (2018). Defining creativity and confirming understanding of the concept in dolphins: Research and training perspectives. Aquatic Mammals, 44, 426-436.


Dudzinski, K., Hill, H., & Botero, M. (2019). Methodological considerations for comparison of cross-species use of tactile contact. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 32, 1-11.


Elsass, W. P., Fiedler, E., Skop, B., & Hill, H. (2001). Susceptibility to maladaptive responses to stress in basic military training based on variants of temperament and character. Military Medicine, 166, 884-888.


Guarino, S., Hill, H., & Sigman, J. (2016). Development of sociality and emergence of independence in a killer whale calf (Orcinus orca). Zoo Biology, 1-10.


Guarino, S., Yeater, D., Lacy, S., Dees, T., & Hill, H. (2017). Responses to familiar and unfamiliar objects by belugas (Delphinapterus leucas), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), & Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens). Animal Cognition, 20(5), 823-827. doi:10.1007/s10071-017-1103-9


Ham, J.R., Lilley, M.K., Miller, M.R., & Manitzas Hill, H.M. (2021). Seasonality of social behaviour among immature belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in managed care. Polar Research, 40.


Ham, J.R., Lilley, M.K., & Manitzas Hill, H.M. (2021). Conspecific scarring on wild belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in Cunningham Inlet. Behaviour, 1–21, doi: 10.1163/1568539X-bja10086.


Hanna, P., Brown, B., Winship, K., Cameron, D., Hill, H., & Kuczaj, S. (2017). A killer whale’s (Orcinus orca) response to visual media. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 30.


Harder, J. H., Hill, H. M., Sanabria, K. T., Guarino, S., Dudzinski, K., & Kuczaj, S. (2016). The development of echolocation in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 29, 1-19.


Hill, H. (2009). The behavioral development of two beluga calves during the first year of life. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 22(4), 234-253.


Hill, H. M. (2017). The psychology of cows? A case of over-interpretation and personification Commentary on Marino and Allen (2017) the psychology of cows. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 4(4), 506-511.


Hill, H., Alvarez, C., Dietrich, S., & Lacy, K. (2016).  Preliminary findings in beluga (Delphinapterus  leucas) tactile interactions. Aquatic Mammals, 42, 277-291.


Hill, H., Artz, S., & Lopez, M. (2014). Sex, love, or war? A representation of 20 years of research on the social interactions of animals. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 27, 50-68.


Hill, H., & Campbell, C. (2014). Allocare depends on social composition for belugas (Delphinapterus

leucas) in human care. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 27, 501-514.


Hill, H., Campbell, C., Dalton, L., & Osborn, S. (2013). The first year of behavioral development and maternal care of beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) calves in human care. Zoo Biology, 32, 565–570.


Hill, H. M., Carder, D., & Ridgway, S. (2008). Vigilance in female bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp) before and after calving. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 21, 35-57.


Hill, H., Dietrich, S., Cadena, A., Raymond, J., & Cheves, K. (2018). More than a fluke: Lessons learned from a failure to replicate the false belief task in dolphins. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 31, 1-15.


Hill, H. M., Dietrich, S., & Cappiello, B. (2017). Learning to play: A review and theoretical investigation of the developmental mechanisms and functions of cetacean play. Learning & Behavior, 45(4), 335-354.


Hill, H., Dietrich, S., Finn, R., Garza, S., Alvarez, C., Lacy, K., & Kuczaj, S. (2018).  Role of contact in beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) calf relationships. Aquatic Mammals, 44(2), 62-75. doi:10.1578/AM.44.1.2018.62


Hill, H. M., Dietrich, S., Guarino, S., Banda, M., & Lacy, K. (2018). Preliminary observations of an unusual mouth interaction between beluga calves (Delphinapterus leucas). Zoobiology, 1-8. doi:10.1002/zoo.21463


Hill, H., Dietrich, S., Yeater, D., McKinnon, M., Miller, M., Aibel, S., & Dove, A. (2015). Developing

an ethogram of sexual and socio-sexual behaviors of beluga whales in the care of humans. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 2(2), 105-123.


Hill, H. M., Garcia de Oliveira Silva-Gruber, D., & Noonan, M. (2018). Sex-specific social affiliation in captive beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). Aquatic Mammals, 44(3), 250-255, doi:10.1578/AM.44.3.2018.250


Hill, H. M., Greer, T., Solangi, M., & Kuczaj, S. A. II. (2007). Evidence for maternal styles in captive bottlenose dolphins. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 20, 34-53.


Hill, H., Guarino, S., Crandall, S., Lenhart, E., & Dietrich, S. (2015). Young belugas diversify adult beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) behavior. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 2(3), 267-284. doi:10.12966/abc.08.06.2015 


Hill, H., Guarino, S., Dietrich, S., & St Leger, J. A. (2016). The science of killer whales: An inventory of peer-reviewed journal articles. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 3(3), 135-149.


Hill, H. M., Guarino, S., Geraci, C., Sigman, J., & Noonan, M. (2017). Developmental changes in the

resting strategies of killer whale calves and their mothers from birth to 36 months. Behaviour, 154(4), 435-466. (TC# 2016-01-T)


Hill, H. M., Guarino, S., Calvillo, A., Gonzalez, A., Zuniga, K., Bellows, C., ... & Sims, C. (2017). Lateralized swim positions are conserved across environments for beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) mother–calf pairs. Behavioural Processes, 138, 22-28. (TC# 2016-05-T)


Hill, H., Kahn, M., Brilliot, L., Roberts, B, Gutierrez, C., & Artz, S. (2011). Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) bubble bursts: Surprise, protection, or play? International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 24, 235-243.


Hill, H. M., & Karlin, M. (2019). Reflections on an international research immersion field study as a high impact practice to produce publishable papers by underrepresented undergraduates. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 601-604.


Hill, H. M., & Lackups, M. (2010). What and where do marine mammal researchers publish? A review of journal publications regarding cetaceans since 1950. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 23, 414-534.


Hill, H., M., & Nollens, H. (2019). Providing belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in controlled environments opportunities to thrive: Health, self-maintenance, species-specific behavior, and choice and control. Frontiers: Comparative Psychology.


Hill, H., & Ramirez, D. (2014). Adults play but not like their young: the frequency and types of play by belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in human care. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 1(2), 166-185. doi:10.12966/abc.05.07.2014


Hill, H., Webber, K., Kemery, A., Posey, B., Garcia, M., & Kuczaj, S. (2015). A preliminary investigation of sea lions’ (Zalophus californianus) understanding of mirrors to locate an object. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 28, 1-12.


Hill, H. M., Woodruff, M. J., & Noonan, M. (2019). Individual differences in the behavioral characteristics of beluga whales (Dephinapterus leucas). Behavioural Processes, 166, 1-7.


Hill, H. M., Yeater, D., Gallup, S., Guarino, S., Lacy, S., Dees, T., Kuczaj, S. (2016). Responses to familiar and unfamiliar humans by belugas (Delphinapterus leucas), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), & Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens): A replication and extension. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 29, 1-21.


Manitzas Hill, H. M. (2020). Musings about the importance of Comparative Psychology: Reflections from undergraduate students. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 33, 1-4.


Manitzas Hill, H. M., Yeater, D., & Noonan, M. (2021). Synergy between behavioral research on beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) conducted in zoological and wild settings. Polar Research, 40.


Hill, H. M., Yeater, D., Highfill, L., Bolton, T., Henriquez, W., Dudzinski, K. M., Gutierrez, M., & Birk, D. (under review). The positive effects of human-dolphin interactions on tourist attitudes and behaviors about dolphins and conservation. Visitor Studies.


Manitzas Hill, H. M., Zwahr, J., & Gonzalez, A. III. (accepted). Evaluating research self-efficacy in undergraduate students: Experience matters. Journal of the Scholarship for Teaching and Learning.


Karlin, M., Hill, H. M., & Alam, F. (under review) An immersive field study as an undergraduate research opportunity and additive high impact practice (HIP) experience for underrepresented students. SN Social Sciences.


Kuczaj, S. A. II., Tranel, K., Trone, M., & Hill, H. (2001). Are animals capable of deception or empathy? Implications for animal consciousness and welfare. Animal Welfare, 10, S161-S173.


Lilley, M. K., Ham, J. R., & Hill, H. M. (2020). The development of socio-sexual behavior in belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) under human care. Behavioural Processes, 171, 104025.


Mazokowski, L., Hill, H., & Noonan, M. (2018). Juvenile belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) exhibit sex-specific social affiliations. Aquatic Mammals, 44(5), 500-505.


Stevens, P. E., Hill, H. M., & Bruck, J. N. (2021). Cetacean acoustic welfare in wild and managed-care settings: Gaps and opportunities. Animals, 11(11), 3312.


Walker, R., & Manitzas Hill, H. M. (2020). Workshop effectiveness on content knowledge of behavioral observation techniques for an applied animal behavior context. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 33, 1-21.


Yeater, D., Hill, H., Baus, N., Farnell, H., & Kuczaj, S. (2014). Visual laterality in belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) and Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) when viewing familiar and unfamiliar humans. Animal Cognition, 17, 1245-1259. doi: 10.1007/s10071-014-0756-x.


Yeater, D., Guarino, S., Lacy, S., Dees, T., & Hill, H. M. (2017). Do belugas (Delphinapterus leucas), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), & Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) display lateralized eye preference when presented with familiar or novel objects?. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 30, 1-13






Campbell, C., Hill, H., & Vastano, A. (2013). Creating a comprehensive video ethogram on beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) behavior. Soundings, 38(3), 1-3.


Dudzinski, K. M., & Hill, H. M. (2017). Cetacean communication. In J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer International Publishing.


Hill, H., Dietrich, S., & Guarino, S. (2017). Field of comparative psychology. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (pp. 1-8). Springer International Publishing.


Hill, H. M., & Eskelinen, H. C. (2017). Stanley A. Kuczaj, II. In Jennifer Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. New York, NY: Springer International Publishing.


Hill, H. M. Manitzas, & Jaakkola, K. (2019). Public opinion of captive cetacean attractions: A critique of Wassermann et al. (2018). PeerJ Pre-print.


Hill, H., & Kuczaj, S. A. II. (2017). The development of language. In A. Slater & J. G. Bremner (Eds.), An Introduction to Developmental Psychology, 3rd edition.  Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.


Hill, H., & Kuczaj, S. A. II. (2011). The development of language. In A. Slater & J.G. Bremner (Eds.), An Introduction to Developmental Psychology, 2nd edition.  Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.


Hill, H. M., Yeater, D., Lenhart, E., & Highfill, L. (2017). Comparative perspective. In V. Zeigler-Hill

& T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (pp. 1-12).  Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_968-1


Kuczaj, S. A. II., & Hill, H. (2003). The development of language. In A. Slater & J. G. Bremner (Eds.), An Introduction to Developmental Psychology, (pp. 211-236). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.


Kuczaj, S. A. II., & Hill, H. (2005). Maternal behavior. In M. Bekoff (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. Greenwood Publishing Group.


Walker, R. T., & Hill, H. M. (2018).  Behavioral ecology. In Jennifer Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior. Springer International Publishing.

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