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Hill, H. M. (2020). What does cognitive and behavioral research tell us about dolphin and whale welfare? Two decades of findings. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, Feb 19.


Alcala, M., & Hill, H. (2009). A content analysis of people’s stories regarding senescence ability in domesticated and resident cats and dogs. Poster presented at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 4-7.


Alexander, L., Hill, H., Highfill, L., & Kuczaj, S. (2009). The relationship between human ratings of 

beluga personality and beluga behavioral patterns. Poster presented at the 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals (MMS), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Oct 12-16.


Alexander, L., & Hill, H. (2008). Exploration, object play, and secure-base use in two beluga calves

(Delphinapterus leucas). Poster presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting (ABS), Snowbird, UT, Aug 16-21.


Alvarez, C., & Hill, H. (2012). Belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) contact objects instead of belugas. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, IL, May 24-27.


Alvarez, C., & Hill, H. (2013). Factors related to contact during social interactions. Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) annual conference, Ft. Worth, TX, Apr 5-7.


Artz, S., Gutierrez, C., Kahn, M., Roberts, B., Brilliot, L., & Hill, H. (2011). Bubble burst production

depends on the beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) and context. Poster presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting (ABS), Bloomington, IN, Jul 25-30.


Banda, M., Dietrich, S., & Hill, H. (2017). The mouth game: A social developmental milestone in beluga calves. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Mar 31-Apr 2.


Botero, M., Hill, H., & Dudzinski, K. (2018). When vision is not enough: The need for incorporating “touch” in observations of mother - infant interactions in dolphins and chimpanzees. Paper presented at the 110th meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology (SSPP), San Antonio, TX, Mar 15-17.


Boyle, H., Weiman, M., Schoeplein, L., Yeater, D., Hill, H., & Kuczaj, S. (2014). Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) preferences for certain types of human stimuli (SCPA). Symposium presentation, chaired by H. Hill at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Brown, B., & Hill, H. M. (2019). Investigating the ontogeny of behavioral patterns and independence

in beluga calves (Delphinapterus leucas). Poster presented at Animal Behavior Society (ABS) meeting, Chicago, IL, July 23-27.


Calvillo, A., & Hill, H. (2017). Swimming, swimming, swimming: The lateralized processing of mother’s position in beluga whale calves. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Mar 31-Apr 2.


Campbell, C., Griego, C., & Hill, H. (2011). Allomaternal care by belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in   

the care of humans. Paper presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting (ABS), Bloomington, IN, Jul 25-30.


Capella, S., Zwahr-Castro, J., & Hill, H. (2011). Portrayals of parent and child interaction in popular cartoons. Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association Conference (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Castaneda, Y., Hill, H., & Dietrich, S. (2014). Applying the theory of attachment to describe beluga

mother-calf bonds: secure base and safe haven (SCPA). Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Cavazos, M., Hill, H., Kuczaj, S., Yeater, D., & Gallup, S. (2014). Do Pacific white-sided dolphins

pay attention to specific classes of humans? (SCPA). Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Collier, B., & Hill, H. (2010). Response to a novel enrichment device by two mother-calf beluga pairs. Poster presented at the Association of Zoos and Aquaria (AZA), Houston, TX, Sept 11-16.


Collier, B., & Hill, H. (2010). Response to a novel enrichment device by two mother-calf beluga

pairs. Paper presented at the Regional International Marine Animal Trainers Association (IMATA), Corpus Christi, TX, May 4-6.


Dietrich, S., Garza, S., Hill, H., & Aibel, S. (2013).  Oral exploratory interaction: "The mouth game" – A developmental precursor to aggressive threats or courting behavior? Paper presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting (ABS), Boulder, CO, Jul 28-Aug1.


Dietrich, S., & Hill, H. (2013). The misbehavior of animals: Spotting dolphin deception. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) annual conference, Ft. Worth, TX, Apr 5-7.


Dudzinski, K., Hill, H., & Botero, M. (2018). Coding contact: Clarifying methods and functional units for comparison across taxa. Talk presented at European Association for Aquatic Mammals 46th annual conference, Rome, Italy, Mar 12-16.


Dudzinski, K. M., Hill, H. M., Ribic, C. A., & Bolton, T. T. (2017). Maternal and sibling style: Pectoral fin contact shared within mother/calf pairs and between siblings. Talk presented at European Association for Aquatic Mammals 44th annual conference, Genova, Italy, Mar 8-11.


Dudzinski, K., & Hill, H. (2015). Pectoral fin contact between individuals – bottlenose dolphins and

belugas are not the same. Talk presented at European Association for Aquatic Mammals 43rd annual conference, Kolmarden, Sweden, Mar 23-26.


Dugas, V., Lopez, M., Saenz, J., Suarez, A., Garza, S., Malloy, C., Garcia, M., Hill, H., & Kuczaj, S. (2013). Dolphin object representation study. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) annual conference, Ft. Worth, TX, Apr 5-7.


Finn, R., Hill, H., & Kuczaj, S. A. II. (2008). Role of contact in beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) calf

relationships.  Poster presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting (ABS), Snowbird, UT, Aug 16-21.


Flores, M., Gonzalez, E., Ortega, N., & Hill, H. (2010). Are socially desirable qualities attributed more to physically attractive cartoon characters? Poster presented at the Society for Research in Human Development (SRHD), San Antonio, TX, Mar 15-18.


Flores, M., & Hill, H. (2011). Gender stereotypes and parental behaviors in children’s cartoons. Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Gallup, S., Yeater, D., Lacy, S., Dees, T., Kuczaj, S., & Hill, H. (2017). Responses to familiar and unfamiliar humans by belugas (Delphinapterus leucas), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), & Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens). Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Mar 31-Apr 2.


Geraci, C., & Hill, H. (2011). Sleep patterns in killer whales (Orcinus orca) and related mother-calf

behavior during the first month of life. Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Geraci, C., & Hill, H. (2011). A tale/tail of two orcas (Orcinus orca): The sleep patterns and care of a mother and her calf.  Poster presented at the Animal Behavior Society (ABS), Bloomington, IN, Jul 25-Aug 1.


Gonzalez, A., Hill, H., & Zwahr-Castro, J. (2017). Research experience makes a difference in undergraduate research self-efficacy. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Mar 31-Apr 2.


Griego, C., & Hill, H. (2010). The role of allomaternal care with belugas (Delphinapterus leucas)

in the care of humans. Paper presented at the Regional International Marine Animal Trainers Association (IMATA), Corpus Christi, TX, May 4-6.


Griego, C., & Hill, H. (2009). The role of allomaternal care with belugas Delphinapterus leucas

in the care of humans. Poster presented at the 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine  

Mammals (MMS), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Oct 12-16.


Guarino, S., Davila, C., Pasko, K., & Hill, H. (2014). What do we ACTUALLY know about killer whales? A review of the peer-reviewed literature. Poster presented at the Animal Behaviour Society annual conference, Princeton, NJ, Aug 4-8.


Guarino, S., Calvillo, A., Zuniga, K., Polasek, L. Bellows, C., & Hill, H. (2016). Social laterality during mother-calf swims is the same for belugas in the wild and in human care. Presentation presented at the American Psychological Association conference, Denver, CO, Aug 5-7.


Guarino, S., & Hill, H. (2015). To see or not to see beluga behaviors involving adults and calves. Comparing focal follows vs scan samples. Poster presented at the Animal Behavior Society (ABS), Anchorage, AK, Jun 4-9.


Guarino, S., Hill, H., & Sigman, J. (2014). Developmental changes in activity levels for a killer whale

calf and her mother across three years of life. Poster presented at the Animal Behaviour Society annual conference, Princeton, NJ, Aug 4-8.


Guarino, S., Hill, H., & Sigman, J. (2015). The development of sociality and play in an Orca calf.

Poster presented at the International Conference on Comparative Cognition (CO3), Melbourne, FL, Apr 16-18.


Guarino, S., Olague, S., Solis, C., & Hill, H. (2014). Emergence of independence in a killer whale calf

during first two years. (SCPA)  Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Guarino, S., Hill, H., & Polasek, L. (2015). Do wild belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) socialize and

play differently than captive belugas?. Poster presented at the 21st Biennial conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-18.


Guarino, S., Villarreal, A., Banda, M., Silva, P., & Hill, H. (2017). The development of sex differences in play behavior of young belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in managed care. Paper presented at the International Conference on Comparative Cognition (CO3), Melbourne, FL, Apr 19-23.


Guarino, S., Yeater, D., Lacy, S., Dees, T., & Hill, H. (2017). Responses to familiar and unfamiliar objects by belugas (Delphinapterus leucas), bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), & Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens). Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Mar 31-Apr 2.


Guerra, G., Hill, H. M., Yeater, D., Dudzinski, K., Bolton, T., Melzer, D., Salazar, K., & Guillen, K. (2018). Creating creative dolphins (Tursiops truncatus): Assessing creativity under stimulus control. Poster presented at the XIX International Society for Comparative Psychology biennial meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Oct 29-31.


Guillen, K., Salazar, K., & Hill, H. (2019). Advantages of Field Studies: Roatan, Honduras. Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), Albuquerque, NM, April 5-7.


Ham, J., Hill, H., & Pellis, S., (2019, April). The development of socio-sexual behaviours in captive

beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). Poster presented at the Undergraduate Research in Science Conference of Alberta (URSCA), Calgary, AB.


Ham. J. R., Lilley, M. K., & Hill, H. M. (2020). Do belugas cooperate to engage in social object play? Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society 61st Annual Meeting, Virtually (due to COVID-19), Nov. 19-22.


Ham, J. R., Lilley, M. K., Manitzas Hill, H. M., & Pellis, S.M. (2021). The development of sexual 

behaviors though play in beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). Presented at Southwestern Psychological Association, Virtually (due to COVID-19), Apr 9-11.


Ham, J. R., Lilley, M. K., Pellis, S., & Hill, H. M. (2020). Mouth-to-mouth interactions in belugas: 

Social play, bonding, and motor practice? Presented at Animal Behavior Society, Virtually (due to COVID-19), Jul 28.


Ham, J., Lilley, M., & Hill, H. (2020). Do belugas cooperate to engage in social object play? Presentation at Virtual Psychonomics 2020. Austin, TX, Nov 19-22. 


Ham, J. R, Miller, M., Pellis, S. M., & Hill, H. M. M. (2021). Making play difficult: Self-handicapping in beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) object play. Presentation at Animal Behavior Society, August 4-7.


Ham, J., Lilley, M., & Hill, H. (2020). Mouth-to-mouth interactions in belugas: Social play, bonding, and motor practice? Presentation at Animal Behavior Society 2020. Knoxville, TX, Jul 27-31.


Hendry, J. L., Tranel, K. S., Hill, H. M., & Kuczaj, S. A., II. (2002). Bringing up baby while baby brings us up to speed: Non-invasive research with bottlenose dolphin calves.  Paper presented at the International Marine Animal Trainers Association (IMATA), Orlando, FL, Nov 11-15.


Hill, H. (2008). Beluga calf development: The first six months. Paper presented at the Regional

International Marine Animal Trainers Association (IMATA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 20-22.


Hill, H. (2016). To play is to play: Examining play across taxa. Paper presented at the Psychonomic Conference, Boston, MA, Nov 18-20.


Hill, H., Baus, N., & Kuczaj, S. (2012). Preliminary evidence for visual laterality in belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) but not in Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) when viewing familiar and unfamiliar humans. Paper presented at the Fall Comparative Cognition Conference (CO3), New Orleans, LA, Oct 12.


Hill, H. M., & Brown, B. (2018). Exploring temperament in beluga whale calves (Delphinapterus

leucas). Paper presented at the XIX International Society for Comparative Psychology biennial meeting, Los Angeles, CA, Oct 29-31.


Hill, H., & Campbell, C. (2009). The relationship between beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) mothers

and their calves in captivity during the first year of life. Poster presented at the 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals (MMS), Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, Oct 12-16.


Hill, H., & Campbell, C. (2013). Allomaternal care by belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in the care of humans. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) annual conference, Ft. Worth, TX, Apr 5-7.


Hill, H., Campbell, C., Finn, R., & Dorogi, T. (2008). The development of behavior in two beluga calves for the first six months of life. Poster presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting (ABS), Snowbird, UT, Aug 16-21.


Hill, H. M., Carder, D., & Ridgway, S. (2007). Vigilance in female bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops

spp) before and after calving. Paper presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) conference, New Orleans, LA, Mar 3-5.


Hill, H., Dietrich, S., & Kuczaj, S. (2013). Theory of mind: Non-verbal false belief task with dolphins. Paper presented at the Southern Society of Philosophy and Psychology 105th meeting, Austin, TX, Feb 28-Mar 2.


Hill, H. M., Dietrich, S., Zwahr-Castro, J., Mireles, N., & Salgado, M. (2017). Happy music = happy killer whale and sad music = sad killer whale? A pilot study on the influence of music on emotional state of killer whales. Poster presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Nov 9-12.


Hill, H., Dietrich, S., Finn, R., Garza, S., Lacy, K., & Kuczaj, S. (2014). The role of contact in beluga

(Delphinapterus leucas) mother-calf bonds during the first two years of life. Paper presented at the Animal Behaviour Society annual conference, Princeton, NJ, Aug 4-8.


Hill, H. M., Dintino, K., Silva, D., Wilson, T., & Noonan, M. (2019). Trainer ratings of individual differences of marine mammals. Poster presented at International Marine Animal Trainers Association (IMATA), New Orleans, LA, Sept 9-12.


Hill, H., Dudzinski, K., & Botero, M. (2018). Communicating contact: Do functional units differ across taxa? Talk presented at Comparative Cognition Society 25th annual conference, Melbourne, FL, Apr 4-7.


Hill, H., Flores, M., Gonzalez, E., & Martin, J. (2010). Parents? What parents? The portrayal of

families in children’s cartoons. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Boston, MA, May 24-30.


Hill, H. M., Garcia, E., Pasko, K., & Yeater, D. (2017). How do cetaceans respond to violations of expectations when presented with novel or familiar objects? Paper presented at the fall meeting for Comparative Cognition Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Nov 8.


Hill, H., & Geraci, C. (2013). Two tales of one orca mother-calf pair: A comparison of calf watch records versus video records on the swim speeds of a neonate killer whale calf and her mother. Paper presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting (ABS), Boulder, CO, Jul 28-Aug1.


Hill, H., Guarino, S., Crandall, S., Lenhart, E., Dietrich, S. (2015). Young belugas enrich adult beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) behavioral repertoires when grouped together. Paper presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting (ABS), Anchorage, AK, Jun 4-9.


Hill, H. M., Ham, J. R., & Lilley, M. K. (2020). Evaluating evidence of aggression in wild belugas 

through rake mark presence. Presented at Animal Behavior Society, Virtually (due to COVID-19), Jul 28.  


Hill, H., Johnson, J., & Marquez, L. (2011). Mother-calf swim positions during the first year of life for belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in the care of humans. Poster presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting (ABS), Bloomington, IN, Jul 25-30.


Hill, H, Kahn, M., Brilliot, L., & Roberts, B. (2010). What does a bubble burst mean to a beluga?

Paper presented at the Regional International Marine Animal Trainers Association (IMATA), Corpus Christi, TX, May 4-6.


Hill, H. M., & Kuczaj, S. A. II. (2000). Sea lions use mirrors when searching for objects. Paper

presented at the International Conference on Comparative Cognition (CO3), Melbourne, FL, Mar 16-18.


Hill, H. M., & Kuczaj, S. A. II. (1998). What do dolphins see when they look in a mirror? Poster presented at the Human Cognitive Specializations Conference. New Iberia, LA, Oct 15-18.


Hill, H. M., Kuczaj, S. A. II., Greer, T., & Solangi, M. (2006). Evidence for maternal styles in

captive bottlenose dolphins. Paper presented at Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA), Atlanta, GA, Mar 17-19.


Hill, H. M., Kuczaj, S. A. II., Greer, T., & Solangi, M. (2005). Evidence for maternal styles in

captive bottlenose dolphins. Poster presented at conference for Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD). Atlanta, GA, Mar 16-18.


Hill, H. M., Kuczaj, S., A. II., Vastano, A. C., Campbell, C., & Geraci, C. (2011). O mother, mother  

wherefore art thou? Calf development and maternal care behaviors in dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), belugas (Delphinapterus leucas), & killer whales (Orcinus orca). Paper presented at Animal Behavior conference (ABS), Bloomington, IN, Jul 25-Aug 1.


Hill, H. M., Miller, L., Harley, H., & Shepherdson, D. (2014). Research helping animals & animals

helping research: developing successful collaborative research efforts. Poster presented at the annual Association for Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) conference, Orlando, FL, Sept.


Hill, H. M., Miranda, J., Wincheski, R., & Velarde, A. (2019). Exploring different types of affiliative

social interactions for developmental markers in beluga calves. Poster presented at Animal Behavior Society (ABS) meeting, Chicago, IL, July 23-27.


Hill, H. M., Noonan, M., & Dudzinski, K. (2019). What does touch or lack of touch tell us about

cetaceans in human care? Poster presented at International Marine Animal Trainers Association (IMATA), New Orleans, LA, Sept 9-12.


Hill, H. M., & Pierucci, J. (2017). Teaching the developmental sciences through hands-on learning experiences: The power of observation and reflection. Workshop presented at the Teaching Institute

for Society in Research in Child Development annual conference, Austin, TX, Apr 5.


Hill, H. M., Tranel, K. S., & Kuczaj, S. A. II. (2001). An opportunistic investigation of an enduring

mother-daughter relationship in captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Poster presented at the 14th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals (MMS), Vancouver, BC, Canada, Nov 26-Dec 1.


Hill, H. M., & Walker, R. T. (2018). Observing to learn, learn to observe. Workshop presented at the Animal Behavior Management Alliance (ABMA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 8-13.


Hill, H., Webber, K., Kemery, A., & Kuczaj, S. (2012). Mirror, mirror on the wall, where is the object to be found? A preliminary investigation of sea lion mirror use.  Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Chicago, IL, May 24-27.


Hill, H., Webber, K., Kemery, A., Posey, B., & Kuczaj, S. (2014). Sea lions use mirrors to detect objects.  Paper presented at the Comparative Cognition Society (CCS), Melbourne Beach, FL, Mar 26-29.


Hill, H., Yeater, D., Dietrich, S., McKinnon, M., Miller, M., Aibel, S., & Dove, A. (2016). A summary of beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) socio-sexual behaviors. Presentation presented at the American Psychological Association conference, Denver, CO, Aug 5-7.


Hill, H., Yeater, D., & Kuczaj, S. (2013). Individual differences in beluga responses (Delphinapterus leucas) when differentiating between familiar and unfamiliar humans. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) annual conference, Ft. Worth, TX, Apr 5-7.


Hill, H., Yeater, D. & Kuczaj, S. (2014). The role of laterality in the visual discrimination of humans by cetaceans. (SCPA).  Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Kahn, M., Brilliot, L., Roberts, B., & Hill, H. (2009). Differences in bubble burst production by

beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) mothers and their calves. Poster presented at Sigma Xi National Conference for Graduate and Undergraduate Research. The Woodlands, TX, Nov 12-15.


Karlin, M., Manitzas Hill, H. M., & Alam, F. (2021). Interdisciplinary research and a multiple high 

impact practice program for underrepresented students. Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) annual conference, San Antonio, TX, Apr 9-11.


Kuczaj, S. A. II., Hartong, K., King, M., & Hill, H. M. (1999). When do words affect children’s attention to objects? Paper presented at the VIIIth International Congress for the Study of Child Language, San Sebastian, Spain, July 12-16.


Kuczaj, S. A. II., Hill, H., & Solangi, M. (1999). The roles of mothers, peers, and other adults in the

behavioral development of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) calves.  Poster presented at the 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals (MMS). Wailea, HI, Nov 28-Dec 3.


Kuczaj, S. A. II., Trone, M., Hill, H., & Tranel, K. (2000). What can dolphin play tell us about dolphin cognition? Paper presented at the International Conference on Comparative Cognition (CO3). Melbourne Beach, Mar 16-18.


Leighton, A., Coronado, J., Garcia, K., Gonzales, C., & Hill, H.  (2014). What does a killer whale calf do when away from her mother?  Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Lilley, M., & Hill, H. M. (2019). The role of conspecifics in socio-sexual behavior development in belugas under human care. Poster presented at Animal Behavior Society (ABS) meeting, Chicago, IL, July 23-27.


Lilley, M. K., Ham, J. R., Hill, H. M. (2020). Increasing complexity in object play by developing beluga calves in managed care. Poster presented at the Psychonomic Society 61st Annual Meeting, Virtually (due to COVID-19), Nov 19-22.


Lozano, A., Paredes, V., & Manitzas Hill, H.M. (2021). Differentiating the s-postures of belugas (Delphinapterus leucas) in socio-sexual and agonistic interactions. Presented at Southwestern Psychological Association, Virtually (due to COVID-19), Apr 9-11.


Lilley, M., Ham, J., Forey-Vargas, D., Lozano, A., Paredes, V., Miller, M., & Hill, H. M. (2021). Individual differences in socio-sexual and agonistic s-postures of belugas (Delphinapterus leucas). Presentation at Animal Behavior Society, Virtual (August 3-7).


Lilley, M.K., Ham, J.R., & Hill, H.M. (2020). Seasonal changes in beluga sociality. Presented at Animal Behavior Society, Virtually (due to COVID-19), Jul 28.


Lopez, D., & Hill, H. (2014). How do beluga calves rest during the First Year of Life? (SWPA). Poster presented at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Lopez, A., Marquez, A., Vasquez, M., & Hill, H. (2010). A difference in the portrayal of gender roles in children’s cartoons. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Human Development (SRHD), San Antonio, TX, Mar 15-18.


Magee, A.R., Hill, H. M., Dudzinski, K. M., Bolton, T. T., (2020). Activity levels of bottlenose dolphins (Turisops truncatus) before and after a single swimmer [Conference presentation]. The Animal Behavior Society 2020 Conference, Virtual, Jul 28-31.


Magee, A.R., Hill, H. M., Dudzinski, K. M., Bolton, T. T., (2021). Activity levels of bottlenose dolphins (Turisops truncatus) affected by a single swimmer, [Conference presentation]. The Annual Southwestern Psychological Society 2021 Conference, San Antonio, TX, Apr 9-11.


McKinney, A., & Hill, H. (2014). Synchrony in beluga mother-calf activities during the first year of life (SCPA).  Paper presented at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


McKinnon, M., Dietrich, S., Hill, H., & Aibel, S. (2013). Overlapping and contrasting topography of beluga sexual and agonistic interactions. Poster presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting  (ABS), Boulder, CO, Jul 28-Aug1.


McKinnon, M., Dietrich, S., Hill, H. & Aibel, S. (2014). The development & topography of beluga sexual and agonistic interactions.  Paper presented at the Comparative Cognition Society (CCS) annual conference, Melbourne, FL, Mar 26-29.


Miller, M., & Hill, H. (2015). Tactile contact during socio-sexual interactions in beluga whales. Poster presented at the Animal Behaviour Society annual conference, Anchorage, AK, Jun 4-9.


Miller, M., Dietrich, S., & Hill, H. (2014). Practice makes perfect: Learning to court in belugas. Poster presented at the Animal Behaviour Society annual conference, Princeton, NJ, Aug 4-8.


Navarro, M., Gresham, P., & Hill, H. (2013). The emergence of spontaneous play in belugas during the first year of life. An indicator of cognition. Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA) annual conference, Ft. Worth, TX, Apr 5-7.


New, A., Alcala, M., & Hill, H. (2009). Preliminary evidence for the role of animal during the end-life-process for humans. Poster presented at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 4-7.


Nocito, J., & Hill, H. M. (2007). Self-enrichment behavior in Killer Whales (Orcinas orca), Beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas), and Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhyncus obliquedens) in the care of humans. Poster presented at Sigma Xi National Conference for Graduate and Undergraduate Research. Orlando, FL, Nov 1-4.


Nyser, M., Weiman, M., Miles, K., Mangi, K., Dunlea, L., Yeater, D., Hill, H., & Kuczaj, S. (2015).

Do belugas form expectations that can be violated when looking at novel humans or objects? Poster presented at the International Conference on Comparative Cognition (CO3), Melbourne, FL, Apr 16-18.


Perez, B., Martin, J., & Hill, H. (2010). Analyses of race-related content of nuclear families in children’s cartoons.  Poster presented at the Society for Research in Human Development (SRHD), San Antonio, Mar 15-18.


Poelma, B., Miller, M., Gallup, S., Yeater, D., Kuczaj, S., & Hill, H.  (2014). The roles of familiarity and activity on dolphins viewing humans (SCPA).  Symposium, chaired by H. Hill at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Ramirez, D., & Hill, H. (2014). Learning to play. What belugas do. Paper presented at the 21st meeting of Comparative Cognition Society (CCS), Melbourne Beach, FL, Mar 26-29.


Ramirez, D., & Hill, H. (2014). Beluga Play: how do age and sex influence it? (SCPA). Paper presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Reyes, L., Dietrich, S., Cox, R., Yeater, D., Miller, M., & Hill, H. (2015). Juvenile beluga displays of socio-sexual behaviors: A matter of practice. Poster presented at the 21st Biennial conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, San Francisco, CA, Dec 14-18.


Roberts, B., Hill, H., & Zwahr-Castro, J. (2011). Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) bubble bursts: Surprise, protection, or play? Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Segovia, A., & Hill, H. (2010). Children’s perceptions of parents in cartoons. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS), Boston, MA, May 24-30.


Serna, A., Hill, H., & Zwahr-Castro, J. (2011). Observations of a killer whale (Orcinus orca) mother-calf relationship: the first month. Poster presented at the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.


Vastano, A., & Hill, H. (2008). The relationship between shelf circulation and the movements of Atlantic bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) along the Texas coastline. Poster presented at the Animal Behavior Society Meeting (ABS), Snowbird, UT, Aug 16-21.


Walker, R. T., & Hill, H. M. (2017). Organization and maintenance of an undergraduate research program with first-generation college students. Talk presented at the Society for the Teaching of Psychology Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX, Oct 20-21.


Weiman, M., Nyser, M., Mangi, K., Dunlea, L., Miles, K., Gallup, S., Yeater, D., Hill, H., Kuczaj, S., & Lacy, S. (2015). Representations of humans and objects in belugas (Delphinapterus leucas).  Poster presented at the International Conference on Comparative Cognition (CO3), Melbourne, FL, Apr 16-18.


Yeater, D., Hill, H., Dudzinski, K., Bolton, T., & Eskelinen, H. (2018). Defining creativity and confirming understanding of the concept in dolphins. Poster presented at the 25th meeting of Comparative Cognition Society (CCS), Melbourne Beach, FL, Apr 4-7.


Yeater, D., Krul, M., Stone, A., Gaylor, C., Hill, H., & Kuczaj, S. (2014). Do belugas form expectations that can be violated when viewing novel humans? (SCPA).  Paper presented at Symposium chaired by H. Hill at Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA), San Antonio, TX, Apr 7-9.

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